Inauguration / Closing
15 November 2014
9pm-3am, age limit: 18 years
Admission 100 SEK. Buy ticket and get info here:
ATTENTION! Bring cash! There will be food and drinks available all night!
Studio Mossutställningar, Hangövägen 18. Underground to Gärdet. Bus 76 to Hangövägen. Audioguide from Gärdet:
Bus from Kulturhuset/Stadsteatern departs 18.45 and 19.45 from opposite Åhlens at Klarabergsgatan Bus Stop O. Price: 30 SEK per passanger, cash only!
The evening is produced by Mossutställningar in conjunction with Creative Time Summit: Stockholm that is produced by the Public Art Agency Sweden and Creative Time. Barnens migrationsverk is a collaboration with Skapa min värld/Fryshuset.
With kind support from the Public Art Agency Sweden, the Stockholm City Arts Council, the Swedish Arts Council and The Polish Institute in Stockholm. The event is sponsored by Brooklyn Lager.

On Saturday the 15th of November 2014, Mossutställningar presented a programme of performance, music and arts to celebrate the inauguration of Studio Mossutställningar and the closing of The Creative Time Summit: Stockholm.
The event took place at Mossutställningar’s massive studio complex in the inner city harbour Värtahamnen.
At the entrance there was a migration centre run by children from Skapa min värld/ Skärholmen.

Photographer: Johanna Norin
The feminist art collective ÖFA will stage a Danceoke celebrating the immigrant heroes of Europe.
There will be new works by the studio artists, such as Madeleine Hatz's commemoration of the man whose courage, for a few minutes, stopped the tanks on the 4th of June 1989 in Beijing.

The hackerspace Sparvnästet presents a piece on mass surveillance titled "Deathray".

HICCUP's audio guide featuring artist Jens Evaldsson, Maria Kotlyachkova and Emmeli Person, that will lead you from the tube station of Gärdet to the event. From Gärdet metro station/ Värtahamnen exit to Studio Mossutställningar at Hangöv. 18 Link: Hiccup Audiowalk︎︎︎
Jens Evaldsson, "Epigenics", performance as part of Värtahamnens audiowalk produced by HICCUP and invited artists for the occation of Creative Time Summit Closing. Funded by Statens konstråd and Kulturrådet.

Foto: Mecki Granberg
On top of that there will be several dance floors, a mobile sound system run by a number of DJs and musicians and even a tango club:
Piotr Kurek ( Pol ) Naphta ( Pol ) Kornél Kovács ( Studio Barnhus ) Lap-See Lam ( Disko Dumpling ) and DJ City ( Body ) Apollo De Azizi HKOCHD+Hammer Time Very Λddictive DATE Pangea Tona Serenad HEJHEJ tango Eftertext
Between 7-9 pm members of Studio Mossutställningar will have their studios open and the migration office will welcome our guests. All ages are welcome, under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. Free entrance until 8 pm!